
Full Text Catalog MSSearch.exe owning CPU cycles (60-80%)

I've got a server that even when it's not being used for any queries is running at 60-80%cpu capacity. I've got full text catalog going on on the sql server and noticed that MSSearch.exe (related to full text search) is taking up almost all my CPU Time.

why is this? and what can I do to stop it?

Does your CPU cycle comes down when you stop your Full text catlog on your server?|||

I believe that is by default as and when the FT catalog population occurs on my server, I see the same.

Also mention the service pack level on SQL Server.


MSSearch.exe is Microsoft Desktop Search. The SQL Server full text search service is msftesql.exe. I don't think your issue is actually related to your full-text catalog in SQL Server.

You can restrict Microsoft Desktop Search to only index certain directories, which can help reduce its overhead in the future once it is done indexing.

Hope this helps,


We are also having some issues here. First, Commerce 2007 out of the box is setup for 10 Full Text Catalogs. This is not enough for us, but just bumping up the number allowed after the 10 are already created seems to have no effect. I do not get any more full text catalogs even though I am adding lots of new virtual catalogs to the server. I would like to know how to increase this and actually have it take effect.

Second, we bulk load our catalogs, we do not "Import" them. I would like to disable all of the full text indexing and catalog building while I am loading. Would I just use sp_fulltext_table to do this? Is there a Commerce 2007 API that I need to call so that Commerce Server is aware that I do not want this enabled. I then want to turn it back on when I finish my bulk load and let it incrementally populate.




I'm sorry I'm on SQL Server 2000 and MSSearch IS used for indexing on that and all previous versions I believe. it changed in sql server 2005, but before it was mssearch.exe.

I've just recently learned of using the sp_fulltext_service built in stored procedure...

check this out for all of you who are finding FTS to be a resouce pig:


syntax used is

sp_fulltext_service 'resource_usage', 2

by default the resource_usage is set to 3... I've turned it down to 1 and when I've done that the ram usage drops from 150,000k to 15,000 and doesn't go over 20,000 really.

also if another process (LIKE SQL SERVER) needs the CPU's and if you've got resource usage down to 1 it will pause indexing until the processor demand is lowered again.



