I am on a development machine with sql 2000 & sql 2005 installed. The full Text Search for sql 2005 is installed and running on this local machine.
However, I need to do a full text search with sql 2000. When I do:
sp_fulltext_database 'enable'
I get:
Full-Text Search is not installed, or a full-text component cannot be loaded.
Can I install full text search for both sql server 2000 & 2005. I read somewhere that this is not possible.
Since fulltext search loads with sql 2005 (I believe), does this mean I can't do an sql server 2000 full text search on a local machine (or server) that has both of sql2000 & sql 2005 installed.
Thanks for any help on this
What you want to do is doable as I've done it. I.e., run both SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005, both with full-text, on the same box.
Your issue is that the full-text option of SQL Server 2000 is not installed by default. In SQL Server 2005, full-text support is automatically installed by default.
So you'll need to install the full-text component of SQL Server 2000. In addition, you'll need to enable the full-text option in each database that you wish to use full-text. Again, it is not enabled by default in SQL Server 2000.
Related commands:
IF DATABASEPROPERTYEX(DB_NAME(), N'IsFulltextEnabled') = 0 -- Is database enabled?
EXEC sp_fulltext_database 'enable'; -- Enable option at database