
Full Text Searching

I've assumed responsibilty for a sqlserver 2000 that has many databases and has only 1 database that uses full text searching. That 1 application now wishes for me to update the noise words file to remove the single characters.

As far as I can tell, no other application is using the full text searching since I don't see any catalogs created for any of them.

So, if no other databases and applications in this sqlserver have catalogs created for them, can I safely assume that changing the noise words file will not impact any of them even if the other databases do have text fields in some tables?First, which version of SQL are you using? What edition?

Second, thanks for your question; I went Googling for some answers and found some other links to (unrelated) stuff that I found useful.

Third, I don't have the "textbook" answer (I'm still googling), but I found this link on M$ site: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/905617. I hope it helps.

I'll continue to dig around.


hmscott|||thanks for any help!
It's sql server 2000 standard edition - SP4.sql

