
Full Text Search of terms including asterisks

I have a document containing the term *sosos

Searching for this with different levels of wildcard placement results as follows:

1 CONTAINS([TargetField] , ' "*sosos"') results in 1 item

2 CONTAINS([TargetField] , ' "*sosos*"') results in 1 item

3 CONTAINS([TargetField] , ' "*soso*"') results in 1 item

4 CONTAINS([TargetField] , ' "*sos*"') results in 1 item

5 CONTAINS([TargetField] , ' "*so*"') results in anything where a term starts with SO

6 CONTAINS([TargetField] , ' "*s*"') results many more where a term starts with S

7 CONTAINS([TargetField] , ' "**"') results in nothing retrieved

Searches 1-4 result in what I would expect. Searches 5-7 do not. Is this a bug or am I missing something?

The * can only be used as a suffix not a prefix.

Have a look at my post

Generally * are treated as noise and so removed that is why you are gettnig the results you are

