
Full Text Search Language Specification

I'm using FTS on on two columns (VARCHAR) of my database. The data is exported from a MySQL database to SQL Server. When populating the database the default language was set to English (or maybe neutral?), although 90% of the records are in Dutch. Now, when I change the FTS language specification to Dutch problems occur when querying the database. When I enter typical Dutch noise words in my query like "van" or "van der" the query does not return any results. When I set it back to Neutral the queries do return results, although a drawback is that I can't query for example plural forms of words. Could this be because, when populating the database, the correct language was not set? If so, is there a way to get the Full Text Index working with Dutch in a correct manner?

Thanks in advance for your replies! Would be great to get this working in Dutch!


When I enter typical Dutch noise words in my query like "van" or "van der" the query does not return any results

I think ignoring the noise words is the feature of FTS and we can't manipulate it.


Well, It think it is not really about ignoring the noise words. The are ignored by default, am I right?

To clarify things a bit: When I use the query "Van der Vaart" and the language for the FTS column is set to Dutch it returns no results. When I set the language to Neutral it does return results. Basically all it needs to do is find results for the part of the query that says "Vaart".

ps: We are using the excellent FTS Normalizer from E. Bachtal (http://ewbi.blogs.com/develops/2007/05/normalizing_sql.html) Could that possibly cause the issue described above?


Got it solved...

For some reason if I add the language code in the SQL query it works: "...WHERE CONTAINS(table, @.query, LANGUAGE 1043)..."

