
Full text search for Arabic and English

Hi all,

I have a database which i use for Arabic and English text, i want to know if i can use the full text search for this database. The default language is Latin but i can recreate the db using Arabic BIN as default.

Thanks in advance

While SQL Server (7.0 and 2000 - Which version are you using?) both fully support the Arabic language, Full-Text Search only supports a "subset" of SQL Server supported languages and Arabic is not one of those languages. However, you can use the Neutral "Language for Word Breaker" when you setup the FT Catalog via the FT Indexing Wizard under SQL Server 2000. If you're using SQL Server 7.0,
you will have to set the entire server to the "Neutral" language setting via sp_configure. The supported subset of languages supported by SQL Server for
FTS is documented in the Books Online (BOL)....

In addition to the BOL documentation, there is now on MSDN - "Arabic Language Support in Microsoft SQL Server 2000" at
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnsql2k/html/sql_arabicsupport.asp that might also be helpful to you.

Finally, you might also want to download and test a Microsoft developed Arabic wordbreaker and you can download the Microsoft Arabic Word-Breaker (Arabic Search Engine) at
http://www.microsoft.com/middleeast/arabicdev/beta/search/ as this might be a solution to your problem!

SQL Full Text Search Blog


