I'm running SQL Server 2000 on Windows 2000 Server.
I created a full text catalog of a table and one column from the table. I'm getting unexpected results when I query the catalog. The table name is "doc" and the column name is docident. I store document identification numbers in the docident column. A
mong others there are three document numbers in the docident column:
When I run the following query for AF373416 I am returned results for both AF373416 and AF373416A. I don't see results for AF373416C though.
SELECT docident FROM doc
WHERE CONTAINS(docident,'AF373416')
Is this a bug in SQL server oris my select statement incorrect?
Fred Mitchell
Can you do a incremental population of the full-text index for the
particular table.
sp_fulltext_table 'doc','start_incremental','CATALOG_NAME',NULL
Replace the catalog_name with yours.
Try executing the same query, if you still have issues then execute te below
command and try doing a select
exec sp_fulltext_catalog 'myCatalog', 'start_full'
Starts a full population for fulltext_catalog_name. Every row of every table
associated with this full-text catalog is
--retrieved for full-text indexing, even if indexed.
"Fred Mitchell" <Fred Mitchell@.discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I'm running SQL Server 2000 on Windows 2000 Server.
> I created a full text catalog of a table and one column from the table.
I'm getting unexpected results when I query the catalog. The table name is
"doc" and the column name is docident. I store document identification
numbers in the docident column. Among others there are three document
numbers in the docident column:
> AF373416
> AF373416A
> AF373416C
> When I run the following query for AF373416 I am returned results for both
AF373416 and AF373416A. I don't see results for AF373416C though.
> SELECT docident FROM doc
> WHERE CONTAINS(docident,'AF373416')
> Is this a bug in SQL server oris my select statement incorrect?
> Thanks,
> Fred Mitchell