I am about to replicate my sql databases. I have two servers, and two SAN units. I have one front end server direct attacted to each SAN unit. I want to use replication. Using the SQL 2000 replication software, will both of my databases have eactly th
e same data? I want to make an exact image for disaster recovery purposes. Will SQL2000 builtin replication work for me or do I have to purchase a third party software?
Thank You,
you can replicate all user data using merge replication, but only tables
with primary keys with transactional replication.
"Joe" <anonymous@.discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> I am about to replicate my sql databases. I have two servers, and two SAN
units. I have one front end server direct attacted to each SAN unit. I
want to use replication. Using the SQL 2000 replication software, will both
of my databases have eactly the same data? I want to make an exact image
for disaster recovery purposes. Will SQL2000 builtin replication work for
me or do I have to purchase a third party software?
> Thank You,
> Joe