
FULL Backup question

Hello everybody,
I am very newbie in sqlserver and I would to ask you a question.
I would like to backup my database through backup wizard and I would
like to automatic it for everyday full backup. What to you think it is
better database maintenance planner or backup wizard.
Could someone help me on that?
inaIf you are only doing a scheduling for a backup, I would use the richer
backup wizard rather than the maintainance wizard.
HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.
--|||so I need to go to tools/ database backups/ select database and the
device; in my case is file E:/... because you already do the full
backup or all server. I am learning SQL server and for the moment I do
not know scrpts very well so I do not want to do that at the moment.
It is true like this or Do I need to do others manipulations?

