
Full Justify Doesn't Work - RS 2005

The RS2005 full justification icon seems to be grayed out and doesn't
work on textboxes.

Nor is there a Full Justification choice for the TextAlign property.

Is there a way to fully justify a textbox on both right and left edges?

Or any third-party rich-text controls that could be used on reports to
accomplish full justification?

I already have a column in database with RTF-coded text, as well as a plain text column.



Refer to my post in this thread http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=738557&SiteID=1. It contains a walkthrough and class code that will allow you to render rich text in RTF format to an image and display that image in reporting services or wherever else you may want to embed rich text as an image. I also included pagination should it be required.

